If you are going to buy a new dog or just purchased a dog, now its time to think of an exclusive name for it. Considering of an exclusive na...

If you are going to buy a new dog or just purchased a dog, now its time to think of an exclusive name for it. Considering of an exclusive na...
Taking care of a puppy is a big commitment, and surprisingly, it doesn't get any smaller with the size of the dog. Chihuahua teacup pupp...
To have a cat is fun and a source of joy. However if you have a lazy cat, it is a real pain and if the cat happens to become fat or obese, y...
The short answer is, of course, yes! If you never had the fortune to grow up with dogs, or to know a friend who had a dog, you do not know t...
Affordable pet boarding doesn't seem like it would be a very hard thing to find--as simply one of the many items on your to-do list befo...
If you are like most pet owners, your pets are valued members of your family. It is a documented fact that many have risked life and limb to...
If you have a dog, then you would know how their curiosity and activeness can get them into trouble. Sometimes, they even get hurt because o...
Dog disabilities could be a result of illness, physical injury or accidents. Just because your dog is disabled, it should not stop you from ...
The Cats Vs Dogs controversy has gone on for thousands of years, ever since they were domesticated. Which makes the best pet? The answer dep...
There's another great debate about the feline as a pet besides the declawing issue covered in another article. This great debate concern...
If you decided to purchase a pet, you must be responsible and reasonable. This may seem very easy: that`s enough to visit a pet store or bir...
We've all experienced it, that instant "aww" factor when you see an adorable puppy. Bonham is a German Shepherd puppy and you ...
Let's talk about the top twelve fun science facts that surround dogs, the most loyal and the most reliable pet companions for people. He...
Many dog toys state in their very name that they are "tough", "strong" and "indestructible", but given half an...
If you warmly welcome cats to be part of your life then it's time to offer them something that they can use throughout their existence. ...
There are many reasons why your cat might be peeing in the house, anything from cleanliness, change of territory and the scent of another ca...
As animal lovers we have had an assortment of pets throughout the years but cats and dogs have been the primary choice when it came to our 4...
In this article we will discuss how glucosamine can be used to treat arthritic disease in canines safely and effectively. Almost everyone wh...
If you've never done it before, the hunting dog training process will probably teach you more about yourself that it will about your dog...
In literal conditions, joint disease indicates mutual swelling. It is just a widespread ailment inside human beings along with creatures lik...
Canine health can be just as demanding and difficult to maintain as human wellness. Keeping your canine companion in top form requires more ...
With the holidays here, we are all in the mood for some festivities. We plan parties and cook for celebrations, but what do our pups do? The...