Believe it or not, if you are troubled with house-soiling, you are certainly not alone. This is the most common behavioral problem that cat owners have to deal with. Interestingly, many people think that it's for revenge. Well, contrary to popular belief, it's not all about you! It could be completely coincidental that your cat urinated on the carpet at the same time you decided to go away for a few days. Then again, maybe the neighbor you had watching him forgot to give him his treats!
In all truthfulness, experts say that cats do not have cognitive abilities to calculate such revenge. It's also important to understand that your cat would have to think that relieving himself is a negative act if revenge was the case when really, it's only their human owners who view these acts this way.
Litter Box Issues
It is quite common for cats to avoid their litter box for one reason or another. Their behavior could be the result of:
� Changing Litter - Some litter irritates certain cats. This could be due to texture or even going from non-scented to scented. Some even make an unpleasant dust cloud that your cat may not care for.
� Dirty - Would you want to step over your own soiled areas to relieve yourself? Well, neither does your cat. Sometimes even felines who were fine with their litter box being cleaned once a day get a little more fussy as they age and need it cleaned more often.
� Location - Have you moved the litter box? If not, have you moved something close to it like suitcases, sporting equipment, etc.? Cats can be very sensitive to changes in their surroundings.
Medical Issues
Many people get so caught up in thinking that their cat is being vindictive that they fail to realize that there could be health concerns. Urinary tract infections are often to blame which can cause frequent urination. In this case, it's often hard for the cat to get to the litter box in time.
Also, liver, thyroid and kidney diseases, intestinal tract tumors or parasites and rectum or colon inflammation can be to blame as well. It's also important to understand that as cats get older, age-related issues like muscular disease, disorders of the nervous system and arthritis can all make getting in and out of the litter box a challenge.
Additional Cat
Have you brought in another cat or could another cat you already have be getting old and a little bossier? Even a sweet feline who has always shared her litter box may be scared to use it if her older brother is having some territorial issues. Quite often, adding a second litter box in a different location will often help with this cat urination behavior.
To learn more about cat urination problems and solutions, go to Visit for more topics and tips about cat behaviors including scratching, biting, vocalizing and more.
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